Solving the problems of enterprise creativity today, developing the next generation of problem solvers for tomorrow.

 “98% of 5-year olds are creative geniuses. That number plummets
to just 2% in adults”

NASA Longitudinal Tracking Study


The creativity inside us 

The world needs better ideas - fast! And yet, many of us have lost our innate confidence and belief in creativity - the thinking, doing and being that solves problems and innovates new value.

Creativity and innovation are learned skills - solving problems & realising opportunities only happens when first individuals learn to do, then learn and do together for high- performing collaboration.

Our mission is simple; better ideas faster in the world by unleashing the creative genius of people’s inner world. That ultimately means nurturing and developing everyone - from kids, teens and youth to educators, parents and business.

BIF is creativity, for all.


The BIF Whānau (Family)

With you at each step of your journey

Pre-school, Primary, Young teens, Senior students, Educators, Parents, Enterprise


At the programmatic level BIF is 20+ proven years of creativity and innovation that drives new value - innovating new ideas, being more creative at work, and innovating places of work that unlock and unleash people & ideas performance.

Through learning and doing BIF, you will rediscover the neuroscience of thinking, doing and being creative that is your gateway to unrealised talents; deeper thoughts about who you are, what inspires you, the ideas you want to work on, towards the better idea of who you want to become.

BIF is the pathway to connect with your true creative self, and the new agency that empowers for you in the world.


The BIF Iceberg


above the surface - innovating new value propositions, brands, products, services, etc by solving problems & grabbing opportunities in market for new impact

much more below - creative talents, inspiration, empathy, curiosity, grit, hunches and the energetic sense for what could be from the deepest parts of you, for you, in your world


Our programs engage adults above the water line to innovate new value, and inspire a journey to experience what’s below to reconnect and create anew.

For young people, we’re nurturing them into this capacity such that creative confidence and innovative problem-solving becomes a natural part of who they are and how they are.

That’s us. That’s BIF.
Ideas really can change our world.
So we need better ones.
We need them now. By you.

Join us!



Learning to apply BIF for the solving of 1 problem is then knowing how to approach the solving of any problem - and today, problem-solvers are our new rock stars?!
— Matt Hart, BIF Founder

Matt Hart

BIF Founder

Matt shares his story at Do Lectures

Jernej Gračner

BIF Creative Art/Design

See more illustration work on Instagram.